1/72nd Scale Texas Air Guard KC-97L Jet Boosted Tanker

This is a Boeing KC-97L Jet Boosted Tanker flown by my unit; then the 136th Air Refueling Group operating out of Hensley Field, Dallas, TX (Now the 136th Airlift Wing). This particular aircraft (S/N 53-0283) was a static display at Carswell AFB (Now NAS Fort Worth JRB) until it was purchased in 2001 and now is used as part of a restaurant at the Municipal Airport in Colorado Springs, CO. The model is an Academy kit, built pretty much straight out of the box. It is on display in the 136th Maintenance Squadron's Heritage Room, Carswell Field, Fort Worth, TX.

Photo: Right quarter

Photo: Head On

Photo: Left quarter

Photo: Closer shot

Photo: Beauty shot

Photo: Left side, above

Photo: Left rear, above

Photo: Right rear, above

Photo: Left front, above

Photo: Left side


Link:1/72nd Scale C-130H

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Fred Smith is the President and Chief Editor of Sirius Replicas - Established 2001.