The Falcon - 1/168th Scale, SOLD! - $51.00 |
This is a 1/168th scale, scratch built Millennium Falcon that was constructed primarily out of Evergreen plastic. The original intent was to complete it as a small but accurate replica, but I later discovered that the blueprints were not true to the original filming model, so I then covered with detail printed laminate sheets from a paper model exterior. The engine "grill" was drawn in AutoCAD and air brushed Photoshop. The lighting is a single 4.8V bulb, with two 30 mil fiber optic strands run to the docking mandibles. The equipment bays are all fully detailed. The model measures 9 inches (23cm) in length and also has a power supply and switch with the display stand. A very nice desktop display piece.
Photo: Port Side Photo: Desktop shot Photo: Cockpit Detail Photo: Engine Lighting Photo: Forward Lighting Photo: Engine Detail Photo: Bottom Photo: Top Photo: Desktop shot, different angle Photo: Under construction Photo: "Flat top" landing Link: Millennium Falcon cardstock model Link: 1/77th scale Falcon Link: 1/327th scale Falcon Link: 1/400th scale Falcon |