1/77th Scale Millennium Falcon - Heavily modified and Lit! |
This is a 1/77th Scale Millennium Falcon from the old MPC kit. Most of us are aware of the many inaccuracies of this particular kit. MPC was attempting to emulate the 5 foot model from the original 1977 release. The 5' model was later modified for episode V, but ended up being to large and cumbersome for the desired motion control maneuvers, so a smaller and much lighter 3' version was built, along with a 2 inch version built in scale to the 8' Star Destroyer. The modifications on this kit were to make it somewhat more accurate to the 3' model. I made resin copies of the 1/82nd scale Fine Molds kit side walls, which fit perfectly except a small scratch-built segment was needed for the outboard docking mandibles. The overall length of the kit is slightly less than the Bandai Perfect Grade kit, which is where the 1/77th scale calculation comes from. I used the original side walls, plus some additional panels etc. to detail out all five landing gear bays, after scratch-building the forward ones. Many exterior greeblies were added, mainly on the engine deck and under the engine grill. Additionally, the original dish, being too large, was thrown in to the greeblie pile, and a new episode VII version was built from scratch. A total of 56 LEDs light the gear bays, engine grill, cockpit, flood, navigation and head lamps, and are controlled by three separate switches located on the aft, left quarter sidewall. The model was primed with red oxide to take care of the remaining light leaks, then again with a flat white cover coat before applying the light grey base coat. I used four different panel colors, dull red, gray, yellow, and light tan/gray. Two, (both enamel and acrylic) washes were used before chalk pastels and a final matte acrylic clear coat applied.
Photo: Initial modifications Photo: Adding forward gear bays Photo: Side wall supports Photo: Gun controls, bays Photo: Interior corridor Photo: New legs Photo: Checking fit Photo: Cockpit interior Photo: Engine grill Photo: Different angle Photo: LEDs, box installed Photo: Lighting test Link: 1/246th scale Millennium Falcon and Rebel Transport |
Photo: Cockpit installed Photo: Innards, lighting test Photo: Bottom, lighting test Photo: Headlamp test Photo: Testing NAV lights Photo: Parts: built, modified Photo: Bottom details complete Photo: Top greeblies finished |
Photo: Engine deck close-up Photo: Primer & white applied Photo: Again, bottom side Photo: Light gray basecoat Photo: Again, top side Photo: Another lighting test Photo: Gear complete, weathered Photo: Panels, and rust spots |
Photo: Pastel streaks added Photo: Complete & Lighted Photo: Side view Photo: Underneath grill Photo: Looking up ramp Photo: Cockpit bottom details Photo: Port side, overall Photo: Top side details |
Photo: Dish details Photo: Gun area details Photo: Port side details Photo: Head on, lighted Photo: Engine grill, lit Photo: Desktop shot |