Klingon D-6 - SOLD! - $26.00

This project originally started as a custom decal set to help convert a D-7 from AMT/ERTL's three ship set into "Kronos One" or something similar. The plastic greebly work is done, but I still need to apply the decals. Anyway my first attempt at decals was nothing more than photo copies of top and bottom views of a painted K'tinga, a bit fuzzy. I did not want these decals to go to waste, so one weekend I ended up designing and building three Klingon cruisers out of cardboard, wood, Polyclay and my custom decal designs printed on card stock. This is the first of three that I used the first generation decals on. The neck is a little shorter than your standard K'tinga, so I called it a D-6 Cruiser. The model measures 5.5 inches (14cm) in length and also has a display stand. A very nice desktop display piece.

Photo: Bow On

Photo: Stern Above

Photo: Stern Below

Photo: Port Side

Photo: On Display Stand

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Fred Smith is the President and Chief Editor of Sirius Replicas - Established 2001.