Millennium Falcon - SOLD! - $58.00

This is a paper/scratch built Millennium Falcon that was acquired from a Japanese website that still has the downloads. It was built, pretty much as is with a few exceptions. The engine "grill" was drawn in AutoCAD, scanned into Photoshop where I added color and air brushing. The paper quad guns were replaced with toothpicks. The equipment bays on either side of the front port and starboard landing gear housings were originally just printed patterns, but I cut out and sunk them to add some depth.

Photo: Port Side

Photo: Forward Detail

Photo: Stern Detail

Photo: Engine Detail

Photo: Bottom

Photo: On Display Stand

Free Download: Engine Grill

Link: Free X-Wing Download

Link: 1/77th scale Falcon

Link: 1/327th scale Falcon

Link: 1/400th scale Falcon

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Fred Smith is the President and Chief Editor of Sirius Replicas - Established 2001.