1/288th Scale Nebulon-B Frigate, Flight II |
This is a large scale model similar to the Medical Frigate seen at the end of Star Wars Episode V, and again in Episode VI. I call this ship the Flight II version, as it has an elongated forward hull to accommodate the flight deck and a slightly larger engineering section. I started this project in early 2001, and it remained undisturbed up until recently. It’s a tough model, surviving multiple moves. I started with an old drafting T-square, laminated wood, Plexi-glass and polystyrene plastic to form the spine. The engine module is sheet styrene over a wood frame and forward super structure is made from a combination of wood, plastic and kit bashed parts that I have accumulated over the years. I decided to take some artistic license for kit parts. Besides, it’s a lot easier and more fun to build freestyle. The model measures 43-1/2" (110.5cm) in length by 10 3/4" (27.5cm) in width. I added a complement of fighters to the flight deck...
The X-wings are out of the MPC Hoth set. I used sprue and white putty to fill in the gaps between the engines in the rear. I replaced the single plastic gun spire with .032 inch safety wire, and added sheet styrene "dishes". The landing gear are scratch built with electrical contact pins and plastic. The decals are a 1/4 sized copy of the Fine Molds 1/72nd scale X-Wing markings. After several primer coats to eliminate the light leaks, a light grey base coat was applied. The several colors colors were used on individual panels and details. Then both acrylic and enamel washes were used for the initial weathering, followed by pencil for some added panel lines. Pastel chalk was then used for streaking, enhancing the panel lines, blurring any wash lines, and color tinting the various hull sections. Acrylic flat clear was then applied in sections to the entire model. Photo: From the Archives Photo: Preliminary Arrangement Photo: Early shot Photo: From astern Photo: Bow on Photo: Starboard, overall Photo: Starboard bow Photo: Port bow details Photo: X-Wings, unmodified Photo: Flight deck, unpainted Photo: Flight deck, finished Photo: X-Wings, modified Photo: Red 2, 3 & 5 in hangar Photo: Main hull taking shape Photo: Adding greeblies Photo: Engineering section Photo: Forward hull Photo: Zhopa! Photo: Hangar ceiling Photo: Installed and lit Photo: Forward hull, lighting test Photo: Opposite side Photo: Final lighting test Photo: Opposite side Photo: All major panels installed Photo: Installing PE parts Photo: More panels and greeblies Photo: Still more greeblies Photo: Starting engine top Photo: Engineering section, top complete Photo: Starting comm spires Photo: Comm spires finished Photo: Opposite side Photo: Forward hull details Photo: Again, opposite side Photo: Nose greeblies Photo: Zhopitchka, base coat applied Photo: Construction 100% complete! Photo: Window masks applied Photo: First base coat, white Photo: Primer coat, gray Photo: Primer coat, red oxide Photo: White cover coat Photo: Base color, light gray Photo: Panel painting complete Photo: Initial washes complete Photo: WIndow masks removed, lighting test Photo: Port side, overall Photo: Closer shot, forward Photo: Again, aft section Photo: Engineering section, top Photo: Forward section close up Photo: Again, port side Photo: Starboard side, overall Photo: Closer, aft section Photo: Forward section Photo: Hangar bay Photo: Again, different angle Photo: Engines, lit Photo: Port side, against dark background |