Various Scale Star Trek: The Original Series Ships

These models are mostly from AMT's 1/1600th Scale Star Trek: Original Series Three Piece Star Ship Set. I originally built these straight out of the box back in the 1980s as seen in the first, very grainy photo. Recently, I refinished them using my own custom decals found on the For Sale Page of this site. The Constitution Class was done in the standard NCC-1701 hull registry. The Romulan Bird of Prey I call the "Romulan Ale Bird" painted blue and having its weapons array replaced with cargo space and a gang-way for smuggling renowned adult beverages. I used my red decals to convert the D-7 into "Kronos One". I used pencil for all of the panel and grid lines with pretty good results. I used a contact pin for the main deflector dish, and added greeblies to the other two ships, especially the Klingon vessel, where gold leaf paint was used to simulate the photo-etch parts. Overall, I was pleased with the results for such a small scale kit. Recently added a second modified Romulan B.O.P. I calling it the "Frigate Bird", (and it also eats baby penguins for breakfast). Modified and kit bashed this badly proportioned ship to make something a little more interesting. It's also pictured with the "Ale Bird" and a recently completed 1/2500 Romulan B.O.P. from AMT's much more scale accurate kit.

Photo: Before refinishing

Photo: Enterprise, close up

Photo: All three vessels

Photo: Again, from behind

Photo: Enterprise, top view

Photo: Underneath

Photo: Perspective shot

Photo: Again from rear

Photo: In space

Photo: Again, head on

Photo: Another perspective shot

Photo: Again from rear

Photo: During refinishing

Photo: Ale Bird, in flight

Photo: Top view

Photo: In space

Photo: Perspective shot

Photo: Feathers again

Photo: Kronos One, top view

Photo: Head on

Photo: In space

Photo: Perspective shot, rear

Photo: Again, underneath

Photo: Perspective shot, front

Photo: Romulan "Frigate Bird" modified and kit bashed from the 1/1600th scale AMT kit

Photo: Again, pictured with the "Ale Bird" and the smaller but much more scale accurate 1/2500th scale Bird of Prey

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Fred Smith is the President and Chief Editor of Sirius Replicas - Established 2001.