September 8, 2023 - Got rid of a few dead links and added a few new sites to the Links page. Enjoy!
June 21, 2023 - Hi folks. Well, for about the past couple years, my wife and I have been in the process of building a new residence on a two acre lot just south of Weatherford, Texas. We purchased the land back in early 2020, began developing the lot about a year later, and are now nearing completion of our new home. Looking forward to finishing and getting back to the hobby, building models and stuff. Got a few more items back in stock and updated the For Sale page.
June 24, 2022 - Finally got a few items back in stock and updated the For Sale page.
April 1, 2021 - Added two more decal pattern sets to the For Sale page.
January 1, 2020 - Added a couple more items to the For Sale page.
Dec 20, 2018 - Casted some 1/65th Scale Bluenose Resin Cast Vents and added them to the For Sale page. Also added a few more pieces to the site archives.
July 22, 2018 - **NX-01 Aztec Decal Patterns!** Redesigned another set of .jpg files and added them to the For Sale page.
February 17, 2018 - Recently completed another two pieces and added them to the Various Scale Star Trek: The Original Series Ships, both from AMT kits. You can see all the photos on Sirius Replicas Facebook page...keep posted.
November 25, 2017 - Finally finished the 1/288th Scale Nebulon B, Flight II and posted more photos along with the article update.
September 25, 2017 - Finally finished the 1/75th Scale Canadian Schooner: Bluenose III and posted 39 photos along with the page article.
June 1, 2017 - Sold another completed model and added one more set of JPG files to the For Sale page. Files are already available, but still working on the display image for them.
March 2, 2017 - The U.S.S. Ford was sold, delivered, and is currently on display at the Hangar Bay Cafe and Gallery located near Mayport Naval Station, Jacksonvile, FL.
January 12, 2017 - Did a few price updates on the For Sale page. I am currently working on a wooden schooner kit and placing photo updates on the Facebook page. Eventually I will add a page after it is completed. Until then, enjoy the Facebook page.
September 8, 2016 - Happy 50th birthday to Star Trek. Added 4 more items to the For Sale page...mostly printable custom decal patterns for various models.
August 26, 2016 - Posted 10 more photos after completing a 1/327th scale Millennium Falcon from the Revell kit. Finished both of these small Falcons a while back and just now getting around to posting the pics...enjoy!
August 22, 2016 - Added another page after completing a 1/400th scale Millennium Falcon from F-Toys...coming soon 1/288th scale version...keep posted.
August 17, 2016 - Added another page after completing a 1/77th scale Millennium Falcon from the MPC kit...enjoy!
August 6, 2016 - Sorry it has been so long since my last update. Thanks for your patience. Added six more photos to the Nebulon-B, Flight II. It took several primer coats, etc. to prevent all the "light leaks". She is now in the final weathering stages. Keep posted.
March 12, 2016 - Sorry it has been so long since my last update. I am in the process of switching ad companies. Thanks for your patience. Added two more photos to the Imperial AT-AT - Free Paper Model page. Also, lots of progress made on the Nebulon B. Photos will be posted soon of that and two mystery models. Keep posted.
November 18, 2015 - Added two more photos to the Nebulon-B, Flight II. First, an overall shot with all construction complete, and then a close-up of the engineering section front showing stickers applied to mask off each individual window. Hey, it is exactly one month until the J.J. Abrams Star Wars premier.
October 10, 2015 - Added two more photos to the Nebulon-B, Flight II. The last greeblies have been added to the nose and painting has begun! This picture shows the engine section installed after the first two coats of paint, (black and then white).
August 1, 2015 - Added two more photos to the Nebulon-B, Flight II. The last photo shows the nose (last section) being worked on. Painting will begin soon!
July 4, 2015 - Okay folks, I have been doing some general clean-up and maintenance on the site. Installed a new Facebook social plug-in, and will be adding a newsletter subscription tab soon. Nearly ready to start painting the Nebulon-B, Flight II. One last, very small, section to finish photos will be posted soon.
May 24, 2015 - Added two more photos to the Nebulon-B, Flight II. Construction is complete on the communications spires and the spine. Just a couple more sections to finish greeblifying...keep posted.
April 12, 2015 - Added two more photos to the Nebulon-B, Flight II. Construction is complete on the engineering section, and work was started on the communications spires. Just a few more sections to finish greeblifying...keep posted.
March 7, 2015 - It has been a while since my last update, but still, progress continues on the Nebulon-B, Flight II. Added two more photos. Only just a few more sections to finish greeblifying...keep posted.
November 28, 2014 - Progress continues on the Nebulon-B, Flight II. Panels and greeblies and bits...oh, my!
August 6, 2014 - The "greeblifying" continues on the Nebulon-B, Flight II. The left-over PE sheets from Yamato and a couple other kits came in handy...enjoy!
July 31, 2014 - Finished installing all remaining main outer hull panels on the Nebulon-B, Flight II. Another update coming soon...
May 27, 2014 - Did a final lighting test on the Nebulon-B, Flight II. All remaining LEDs are installed, tested and I am now ready to cover the compartments with clear plastic. Sorry about the photos. Although my Samsung Galaxy Active has an 8 megapixel camera, the lens quality leaves much to be desired. I think I'll be sticking with my 5.1 MP Sony for now, seeing how all the photos are reduced to 1920 X 1080 or less. Anyway, enjoy and keep posted.
May 7, 2014 - Made a bit more progress on the Nebulon-B, Flight II The lighting is nearly complete... and the "greeblifying" continues...keep posted.
April 7, 2014 - Completed yet another model. A 1/72nd Scale Fine Molds Y-Wing Fighter along with a crash site diorama.
March 30, 2014 - Added a few new pictures of the Nebulon-B, Flight II The Engineering hull is nearly complete. The "greeblifying" continues...keep posted.
February 10, 2014 - Finished yet another model. A 1/144th Scale Space Shuttle with booster rockets and external fuel tank from the Revell kit.
November 4, 2013 - Completed the 1/72nd Scale Arleigh Burke Class (Flight I) destroyer hull and added it to the for sale page.
October 31, 2013 - Completed yet another model. A 1/48th Scale F/A-18A Hornet from the Monogram kit.
October 16, 2013 - Added a 1/35th Scale Star Wars fighter air and ground crew to the for sale page. Also added another project to the Current Projects & Site Highlights on the Home page.
October 3, 2013 - Completed yet another model. A 1/72nd Scale A-10A Thunderbolt II from the Hasegawa kit.
September 8, 2013 - Finished the I.J.N. Battleship Yamato and posted a slew of new pictures.
August 31, 2013 - Added a couple of new and improved photos of the 1/72nd scale SH-60 Seahawk to the U.S.S. Decatur page. I also finised the interior of the hull so there are four new photos total.
August 27, 2013 - Added some content to the Devotionals Page, but I am not sure how often I will update it at this point. I have completed 3 more projects and will be posting them soon.
July 16, 2013 - Finally finished with yet another started project. Posted 14 pictures of the completed Babylon 5 Station model from the Revell kit.
June 17, 2013 - Ok folks, finally finished with the 1/16th Scale M41A3 Walker Bulldog Tank and posted four more photos of the completed model.
April 26, 2013 - Art Applewhite joins the site with his flying rocket version of the Mk. 1 Viper. I added to the Gallery pages.
April 16, 2013 - Posted more photos of the completed 1/16th Scale UH-1N Twin Huey And added it to the For Sale page.
April 10, 2013 - Posted a photo of a completed (modified) 1/16th Scale MD-500 Helicopter in the Archive pages.
April 4, 2013 - Finally got around to finishing the 1/2500th Scale Romulan Warbird from the AMT Three Piece Adversary Set.
March 22, 2013 - Posted two more new photos on the 1/16th Scale USAF UH-1N Twin Huey page.
March 7, 2013 - Now you can search the site with a Google search engine on the home page as well as the new Search Page page.
February 24, 2013 - Posted two more new photos on the 1/16th Scale USAF UH-1N Twin Huey page.
January 27, 2013 - Recently a customer purchased the Romulan B.O.P. decal patterns and then asked if I could offer some additional colors, so I did. They are now available in eight different color schemes.
December 27, 2012 - Posted another new photo on the 1/16th Scale USAF UH-1N Twin Huey page showing the Cockpit Interior completed.
November 30, 2012 - Posted a new photo on the 1/16th Scale USAF UH-1N Twin Huey page. This shows the chassis with the 45 degree elbow on the tail rotor.
November 25, 2012 - Recently started a new project: I am converting an R/C sport helicopter into a 1/16th Scale USAF UH-1N Twin Huey. The scratch-built cockpit interior is almost complete. I'll be posting pictures soon. Thanks for keeping posted.
September 18, 2012 - Added a few photos of my two Display Cases. These were completed just before my retirement ceremony in 2011.
September 12, 2012 - Added several photos with two more subjects to the "Real World" Reference Photo Page The Battleship Texas, BB-35 and HMS Belfast, C35.
September 8, 2012 - As promised, here's the next completed piece, Various Scale Star Trek: The Original Series Ships, AMT kits. I recently re-finished...keep posted, more to come!
September 4, 2012 - Posted one more photo to the Falcon and Rebel Transport I finished several months back.
August 28, 2012 - Ok folks, finally finished with all the updating. I added a new page for a 1/16th Scale M41A3 Walker Bulldog Tank project that I started a while back. I've also got three more newly completed projects that I will be posting over the next few weeks. Thanks for keeping posted.
August 7, 2012 - Ok, All of the Misc and Sci-Fi model pages have been updated, leaving only about 70% of the Military stuff still remaining, which I think will take a couple more weeks to finish. After that, I'll be able to post three or four more completed projects...keep posted.
July 16, 2012 - Posted some more old photos to the archive pages. These are a few various models I built while in England.
July 7, 2012 - Went back and added a couple of old pictures to the Lighted Millennium Falcon. These photos were also taken circa 1988 in Lakenheath, UK. when construction began.
June 14, 2012 - And yet another piece was added to the Archive Pages. This is the AMT 1/537th scale kit of the "Refit" U.S.S. Enterprise. These photos were taken in 1988 in Lakenheath, UK.
June 2, 2012 - I added yet another piece to the Archive Pages. This is the old Revell 1/96th scale kit of the U.S.S. Constitution. It was also built during my time at RAF Mildenhall. It now graces the shelves of an old Tudor Manor in Suffolk, England.
May 31, 2012 - Added a couple of photos to the Archive Pages. These are two very old pictures of my RC King Tiger
tank as it was back in the late 1980's, prowling the English country side.
May 14, 2012 - Finished editing two more pages. The Decorative Wooden Box and the 1/8th Scale Cessna 182 Skylane. This will be the new format for all remaining gallery and project pages. You can now easily navigate, from start to finish, through all the photos, without having to return to the main article. Most of the Archive photos were old, low resolution and/or poorly shot, but the newer posts will allow you to view the maximum sized JPG file simply by clicking the image. Then just click the large photo again to return to the photo page.
May 4, 2012 - Added another piece to the Archive Pages. These are very old photos and video of the Shuttle Tydirium.
April 27, 2012 - Ok, finally fished with the Archive Pages in the new format.
April 7, 2012 - Well, between getting married and starting a new job, I have been pretty busy. Almost finished updating the Archive Pages with the new format, and will move on to editing the rest of the site soon.
October 12, 2011 - I added two hit counters to the Homepage. One shows the total number of hits on the index (home) page, and the other keeps track of the number of individual visitors, and displays a number beside the flag of the country of their ISP origin. Pretty cool to be able to see the flags from new countries added. I will soon be adding advertisements, and eventually edit the layout to make the pictures easier to click through. Exciting stuff ahead! Keep posted, and please bare with me as I implement these changes. Thanks, to all my visitors for your continued interest!
August 18, 2011 - I finally got around to finishing the 1/72nd scale SH-60 Seahawk and added pictures to the U.S.S. Decatur page. I think it turned out pretty nice.
July 25, 2011 - Posted crash video on YouTube R/C Cessna 182 and check out Episode 2 for video of the repaired model with extra details, lights and flaps!
July 14, 2011 - Finished all modifications on the R/C Cessna 182 and added a few more pictures of her...sweet!
May 24, 2011 - Added this R/C Cessna 182 to the current projects.
March 21, 2011 - Started this Babylon 5 Station kit a while back, and am finally getting around to finishing it. I will add pictures of my progress, so keep posted.
March 14, 2011 - Finished with the Wooden Box and then posted three more pictures of the finished product.
February 14, 2011 - Started and almost finished with this Wooden Box that I wanted to re-trim and refinish. It is coming along nicely and I should be done by the end of the week. I will then post a picture of the finished product.
January 5, 2011 - Finally!...finished the Rebel Transport and Falcon Display and posted new photos in the article.
January 4, 2011 - Finished a model of the R.M.S. Titanic and added it to the For Sale page.
December 7, 2010 - Update: photos posted...Rebel Transport is awaiting the final weathering of the main hull panels.
November 30, 2010 - DDG-73 hull is 100% plated with the exterior base-coat of polyester resin applied. Pictures posted.
October 7, 2010 - I got the base coat of light gray applied, top and bottom of the Rebel Transport.
September 21, 2010 - Teaser: I'll be posting a couple new pictures of the Rebel Transport. next month.
August 12, 2010 - Construction is pretty much complete on the Rebel Transport.
July 19, 2010 - Finished the U.S.S. Alabama and added it to the Items Forsale page.
May 11, 2010 - Made quite a bit of progress, and began installing electronics in the Rebel Transport.
April 26, 2010 - Updated and added some more pictures to the Millennium Falcon and Rebel Transport page.
April 19, 2010 - Added a 1/220th Scale Millennium Falcon and Rebel Transport to the current projects list.
April 13, 2010 - Added a 1/600 Scale Battleship Missouri to the Items Forsale page.
March 31, 2010 - I've completed one model, am very near completing two more and have made significant progress on another of which I'll be posting pictures throughout April, keep posted.
February 15, 2010 - Added Zach Smith's Battlestar Pegasus to the archives.
January 26, 2010 - Added one photo of the Nebulon B Frigate's bow with the main hull "bondo-ing" completed.
January 5, 2010 - Wishing a Happy New Year to everyone! Finally back from the holidays, completed all of my house projects and ready to get back into some sirius modeling. Managed to make some more progress on the Nebulon B and should be posting some updated pictures soon.
November 19, 2009 - Added a set of X-Wing Decals to the for sale page. You can use them to detail the 3 MPC Hoth set X-Wings like the ones I used for the Medical Frigate.
November 10, 2009 - Finished the Nebulon B Frigate's landing bay with its compliment of fighters.
November 9, 2009 - I am finished with the 1/288th scale X-Wing fighters and will be posting pictures soon. Keep posted.
October 14, 2009 - Got some more work done on the Nebulon B Frigate and posted some new pictures showing the forward section and landing bay.
Sebtember 22, 2009 - Got a fair bit of work done on the Nebulon B Frigate and posted some new pictures showing the progress.
Sebtember 21, 2009 - Took the U.S.S. Ford, FFG-54 out for a spin on the pond, and added some pretty pictures.
Sebtember 8, 2009 - Keep posted, FFG-54 is complete, so I'll be adding some underway pics and possibly video. Also, made some progress on the Nebulon B Frigate and will have some new pictures of that too.
July 20, 2009 - Updated the Items Forsale page.
July 7, 2009 - Finally finished the U.S.S. Ford, FFG-54 , added more photos at the bottom and updated the for sale page.
July 1, 2009 - Finally finished the Battlestar: Galactica and added it to the for sale page.
June 23, 2009 - Added a little Modeling Humor! to the Site Map ...also the Galactica should be complete this weekend so I'll be able to post pictures next week. Sorry for the wait but we just got back from vacation.
April 22, 2009 - Keep posted, I'm near completion of a lighted Battlestar Galactica card stock model.
March 2, 2009 - Updated the Mk 1 Viper paper model with launch rail and stand options.
March 1, 2009 - Added a new piece to the site archives.
February 18, 2009 - Designed an icon (ICO file) and associated it with all site page URLs. If you have Internet Explorer 7, hit F5 to update/view the icon in your browser.
February 13, 2009 - Added new Site Archives to the site map.
February 2, 2009 - Added another free paper model of a Viper Mk 1 from the original series of BSG.
January 27, 2009 - Finally finished the Borg Tactical Vessel and added it to the for sale page.
January 23, 2009 - Added a few more photos of the Space Shuttle Endeavour to the Reference Photos page.
January 22, 2009 - Added a set of TOS Romulan Bird of Prey Decals to the for sale page.
January 21, 2009 - Added a set of TOS Constitution Class Decals to the for sale page.
January 20, 2009 - Added a 1/140th Scale Grumman A-6 Intruder to the for sale page.
January 05, 2009 - Finished the AT-AT and added it to the paper models section.
December 18, 2008 - For all you paper modeling fans, I'm finishing up designs for a fully weathered version of an Imperial AT-AT...keep posted.
December 4, 2008 - Updated the Klingon D-7 / K'tinga Decals with a high-resolution sample.
December 3, 2008 - Updated the Custom C-130H Decals with high-resolution samples.
November 20, 2008 - Added the Custom C-130H Decals to the Items For Sale.
November 19, 2008 - My 1/72nd scale C-130H is also complete and I have posted photos.
November 18, 2008 - My 1/144th scale C-130H is complete and I have posted some more photos.
October 31, 2008 - Sold my F-16 Ejection Seat and helmet model. I think this is actually the first to sell exclusively on this site, rather than on eBay. Also did a little housekeeping on the site, managing files, etc. Hit refresh if you have any issues.
October 21, 2008 - 1/144th scale C-130H is complete and my lovely wife took a couple of shots while I was doing the finishing touches and afterwards...enjoy.
September 8, 2008 - Keep posted, I'm nearing completion of two C-130H trash haulers. One is a 1/72nd scale version that my guard unit purchased and the other is in 1/144 scale. Both are being done in Texas Air National Guard colors.
August 18, 2008 - One small update to a piece I did a while back... Show me the money: a little fun with the Adobe Image Ready animation program.
July 16, 2008 - Added one more piece, an Arch to the Items Forsale page.
July 15, 2008 - Completed and posted pictures of my F-16 Ejection Seat and helmet model to the site.
July 1, 2008 - Updated all of the pages of items For Sale. Check out the new prices!.
June 3, 2008 - 99! more pictures added to the C-130 on the Reference Photos page.
April 30, 2008 - Reference photos added for the Fantasy Class ships of Carnival Cruise Lines.
December 14, 2007 - The 1/72nd scale KC-97L is complete and has been added to the gallery pages.
November 29, 2007 - A Reference Photos page was added to the site. NASA, the U.S.S. Alabama and a C-130H from my unit are a few of the subjects
October 9, 2007 - It has been a while. I'm just about settled into my new home. I've started a couple of new projects. A 1/72nd scale KC-97L Tanker that I am building for the heritage room at my Guard unit. It is very close to being complete. I'll be posting pictures as soon as that happens. I'm also building a 1/12th scale replica of one of the integrated avionics test stations (ITS) that I maintain at Lockheed. I started with an Italeri F-16 cockpit kit. Stay in touch.
March 6, 2007 - FFG-54 was added to the forsale page with a new set of prices listed.
February 16, 2007 - DDG-73 hull is 75% plated with 1/16th inch basswood sheets. Pictures posted.
January 22, 2007 - Uploaded pictures of the basswood hulls for DDG-73 and CVN-76.
January 19, 2007 - Completed the new gallery index page. A section allows readers to submit their work that falls under the heading of a "Sirius Replica". Gallery Index
January 12, 2007 - CAD plans nearly complete for the DDG-73 and CVN-76 hulls.
January 11, 2007 - Set up this page to keep track of what's new on the site. I will also be able to keep folks posted of the progress that I'm making on my current projects.
January 10, 2007 - Redesigned the home page to allow for some new features and more frequent updates.
January 9, 2007 - Added a new paper model of the Borg Tactical Cube.
December 22, 2006 - Laid the keels for both CVN-76 and DDG-73.
September 8, 2001 - Sirius Replicas is established.
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